Dermatitis is a collection of skin conditions better known as eczema. All types of dermatitis can cause itchy red rashes that disrupt your daily life. Thomas Dermatology, with locations in Las Vegas and one in Henderson, Nevada, as well as offices in Bullhead City, Kingman, and Lake Havasu City, Arizona, can help. The team of skin care experts can diagnose and treat all types of eczema and other skin rashes. In a dry climate like Las Vegas, good eczema management is particularly important, so call the nearest office or use the online appointment scheduler.
Dermatitis, commonly called eczema, is a group of skin conditions that cause skin inflammation and rashes.
Atopic dermatitis is the most common form of eczema. It occurs when a damaged skin barrier leads to severe itchiness and sore skin. You may develop open oozing lesions and hard areas of thickened skin.
Contact dermatitis is a skin rash that occurs after contact with an irritant or allergen. Eighty percent of contact dermatitis cases involve nonallergic skin damage caused by harsh substances or rough surfaces. The other 20% of cases occur with allergic reactions to fragrances or other allergens like poison oak or ivy.
Dyshidrotic eczema rashes have tiny itchy blisters that usually appear on the hands or feet. It may occur alongside other types of eczema.
Neurodermatitis is extremely itchy eczema that usually appears in just one or two spots. Frequent scratching leads to tough patches of skin in these areas. It’s most common on the hands, feet, ankles, elbows, neck, and scalp but can appear anywhere.
Nummular eczema causes round patches of irritated skin. They often ooze fluid and may burn or itch intensely. Nummular eczema mainly occurs on the limbs, torso, and hands.
Seborrheic dermatitis causes patchy rashes in areas with lots of oil glands, like the scalp, nose, chest, and back. It may resemble psoriasis in some cases but is a different condition.
Stasis dermatitis affects the feet and lower legs. It occurs when poor circulation leads to blood and fluid collecting in the leg. That can cause discoloration, scaliness, dryness, and itching.
No matter which kind of eczema you have, an accurate diagnosis and aggressive treatment are the best way to manage your condition.
The Thomas Dermatology team examines your rash and reviews your history of eczema symptoms. Usually, the experienced providers can diagnose dermatitis through a physical examination of your rash, but you may need blood testing, allergy tests, or possibly a skin biopsy to rule out other conditions.
There are many possible treatments for dermatitis, with specific protocols for every unique form of the disease. In addition to avoiding any known triggers, the team may prescribe light-based treatments, topical creams or ointments, or prescription medication.
Knowing the signs of an eczema flare-up and responding with appropriate treatment fast is extremely important in controlling your condition.
The Thomas Dermatology team is here to help you manage your dermatitis in the best way possible, so call the office nearest you or schedule an appointment online today.