If you’re tired of razor burn or messy waxes, it’s time to consider the many benefits of laser hair removal. At Thomas Dermatology, the skilled aestheticians offer nonsurgical laser hair removal services to eliminate unwanted hair on your body and face. Thomas Dermatology, which has locations in Las Vegas or Henderson, Nevada, uses the MediDiode laser system to safely treat hair in even the most delicate areas. To find out how laser hair removal can simplify your life, call the nearest office or book a consultation online today.
Laser hair removal is a minimally invasive way to eliminate unwanted body hair under your arms, on your legs, and even on the delicate skin of your face.
The providers at Thomas Dermatology use the MediDiode laser technology that targets and destroys hair follicles. Destroying the follicles prevents them from producing new hairs, so you no longer have to use messy waxes or razors to enjoy smooth and hair-free skin.
Both men and women can use laser hair removal to address unwanted hair. Keep in mind that laser treatments work best on people with dark-colored hair because the laser technology targets the hair pigments in each follicle.
Laser hair removal reduces unwanted hair from areas of your body in just a few sessions, so you won’t have to shave or wax anymore.
By preventing new hair growth, laser treatments can reduce your risk for persistent skin irritation and ingrown hairs that can result from shaving.
If you have underlying medical conditions, like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), causing excessive hair growth on your face or body, you may also benefit from laser hair removal treatments to remove unwanted body hair permanently without harming the surrounding skin.
During your visit, your Thomas Dermatology medical aesthetician will briefly consult with you to assess your current skin health and the best treatment options.
Your aesthetician will then apply a cooling gel to the treatment area to keep you comfortable. They place the handheld device over the targeted area to deliver laser energy into the follicles of your hair.
Laser hair removal sessions are quick, but the length of your appointment depends on the size of the area you’re treating.
Because the laser technology can only treat hair in the active growth cycle, you’ll need several laser hair treatments to permanently remove unwanted body hair. Your Thomas Dermatology provider can discuss how many treatments you need during your initial consultation based on your skin’s tone and texture and the thickness of your hair.
Immediately after your laser hair removal treatment, you may notice some swelling and mild redness. These issues resolve within a few days. The treated hair starts falling out within a week.
If any new hairs grow in between your laser sessions, they will be considerably thinner and grow slower.
Because laser treatments make your skin more sensitive to the sun, avoid direct sunlight in the treatment area and wear a high-quality sunscreen when you go outside. The team at Thomas Dermatology can also recommend moisturizers that prevent peeling and skin irritation after laser hair removal.
To find out if laser hair removal is right for you, call the Thomas Dermatology office nearest you to schedule a consultation or book an appointment online today.